Sunday, December 19, 2010

"It doesn't have a Title" Title

So I've just started reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Too early into the book to recommend it either way, but I just had to comment on something she wrote. 

In Chapter3 she describes the first time she prayed and when she met God.  I have to say, I loved it!  It so closely describes MY first time.  The wretched sobbing, the pleas for help, and then the utter calmness and PEACE that came to her.  THAT my friends is God.  How can you be so full of despair one moment and calm and peaceful the next moment?  How can you be so LOST  and then see the path?  That is not Man, THAT is GOD.  And then God told her to "go to bed".  And she describes His Voice.  Not that "Hollywood" God voice.  It's an internal voice, but not the same as when you talk to yourself in your head.  And he just said "Go to bed".  Yeah, it was kinda like that. 

So yes, I believe in God.  Because I've personally met Him.   And it's changed my life.  I hope someday, you get to meet him too (if you haven't already).