Monday, February 15, 2010


As my kids are getting older, I'm beginning to see the fruits of my labors-so to say. So far they seem like decent human beings, that will be an asset to the world.

I recently witnessed my eldest daughter's baptismal. For those outside our "religion" the baptism is done as a public declaration of your beliefs and is done after you become "saved". I know, I know, I'm speaking all Christian-eze, but it's the only way I know how to describe this. And this declaration made me think about parenting.

I think I'm a good parent. The bible says you shall know them by their fruit. I think children are fruit (OK-mine are nuts-lol) but they are definitely a reflection of you and your home.

Please understand, I DO NOT think I am a super-parent and by no means am I a perfect parent. We've made mistakes. Hopefully the mistakes we've made are things my kids can get over and it has not permanently damaged them.

And I only have one that is an "almost adult". My other three are still young enough to totally screw up. And even if they go astray, is that the parents fault?

So what is the parents job? When is it finished? Are you ever actually done or does the job description change?

Nope-the job is never done. I believe there are different phases in parenthood. When they're little, its more of being a caretaker. They can't do anything on their own! Then comes "training time". We teach them all the socially acceptable behaviors and a value system. The teenage years seem to be a "directors" position. This is when you are helping them figure out who they are and helping teach them to be adults. After 18, it seems to be more of a mentoring stage. They will be (hopefully) asking for your opinion, but making their own decisions.

But trust me, I am sooo not the expert. I've got lots to learn and go thru yet. But I am fascinated with my kids. How could my three girls look so much alike, have the same genes and be so extremely different? I may "succeed" with one and utterly fail with another! Well, I guess I can only do my best and see how things turn out.

What do you guys think?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stupid Tom

Every few weeks, we have a guest that comes to the house.  To more accurately describe it, in INVADES the house, because a) he always comes unannounced and b) we really don't want him there.

First of all, he likes to punch.  Sometimes, it's a sucker-punch to the stomach.  Sometimes he likes to punch you in the back (coward) and once in a while, he hits you in the head (that's just mean!).

And we of course get grouchy.  Who wouldn't get grouchy when he's so mean?

He always likes to whisper in your ear too.  But it's not "sweet-nothings".  Oh no, that's too nice.  He whispers about how a WHOLE PAN of brownies sounds soooo good right now.  Or a huge batch of cookie dough would be great.  Or even better, brownies and then the cookie dough!

But at least he leaves you alone when your pregnant.  But that's only because Tom doesn't get along so well with the other guy-PG.  Have you noticed they don't really like each other.  I mean, you don't see them hanging out with each other.

And how 'bout this?  He LEAVES THE BOYS ALONE.  I'm totally convinced Tom is a member of the He-Man Woman-Haters club.  If fact, I suspect he may even be the founder and CEO.

Stupid, Stinkin' Tom.